The Ozaukee County Jail Literacy Program, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit literacy organization founded in 1992 by former Milwaukee Area Technical College teacher Nina Walker. The program’s mission is to provide educational opportunities to incarcerated adults through compassionate delivery of services and community support in a secular, non-discriminatory educational environment.
The OCJLP was the first private agency in Wisconsin to provide education at the jail level. The program is privately funded through grants and donations and does not receive any taxpayer money.
Thirty years after our inception, our vision remains the same as it was when we started, but so much has changed. We are proud about how far we’ve come, and how many lives we’ve touched.
Our numbers tell an incredible story:
– 3-40 students served annually
– 1,200 students have received basic skills, literacy and employment training
– 375 students completed high school with GED/HSED certificates
Providing OCJLP students with education and personal and employment skills positively impacts them, their families and our community and ultimately reduces recidivism. In a July 2022 review of the OCJLPs last 100 graduates (dating from December 2012 through July 2022) by the Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Office, the recidivism rate for recent OCJLP graduates was 46% – well below the national rate of 70% of inmates who get re-arrested.
OCJLPs success is made possible through the enthusiasm and dedication of teachers, officers, directors and the generous support from individuals and businesses throughout the community.

“The success of the Ozaukee County Jail Literacy Program is evident, and the Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Office appreciates all of the hard work and effort of those involved in the program. We look forward to continuing our partnership for many years to come.”
— Captain Wayne Lambrecht, Ozaukee County Jail Administrator